We are a community-born movement
Using science, media, and deep collaboration to make transformation happen
About the Environment Academy
In October 2019, the Nature Conservation Center at AUB launched the Environment Academy with MTV’s Sar-El-Wa2t. Impact Lebanon joined the partnership in early 2020.
Our reason
We live in the most worrying and consequential times in human history. This is not an exaggeration. Environmental breakdown is threatening the basis of civilized society. Efforts by government, industry, sustainable development actors, and mainstream academia are not enough. All are too embedded in the models that got us into this mess.
We created the Environment Academy as a pleading response for an honest alternative. It's time to rethink who creates solutions, how science and knowledge is used, and how everyone is engaged. We need transformation. And we believe that visionary residents in hard-hit communities have what it takes to make it happen.
Our mission
We deeply engage communities most impacted by environmental breakdown with interdisciplinary experts, the Lebanese diaspora, and the general public in a solution-making process. We use collaborative science, mentorship, constant interaction, and widely popular media to back groups of community members in taking on obstructions to a healthy, productive, and sustainable life for all.
Our vision
We empower communities most affected by environmental breakdown to choose their own goals, strategies, and projects for driving systematic solutions. We believe transformational change is possible and that it starts locally with our air, water, and life.
Your support
A donation to the Environment Academy will go directly into providing resources for community-born transformation led by residents who are ready to make change happen.
Donations to the Environment Academy can be made ONLINE, by WIRE TRANSFER, or by MAIL. (See tabs above.) AUB is classified by the US Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
We will acknowledge your gift in our annual Contributors Report, which is published after the end of the fiscal year on June 30. If you would like to remain anonymous, please let us know.
For electronic bank transfers outside Lebanon, please use CITI Fresh Dollar account information below:
In order to facilitate transfers within Lebanon, please contact us on devrepb@aub.edu.lb.
We will acknowledge your gift in our annual Contributors Report, which is published after the end of the fiscal year on June 30. If you would like to remain anonymous, please let us know.
For check donations please make checks payable to AUB - Environment Academy and mail to:
Office of Development
American University of Beirut
3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Office of Development
American University of Beirut
Bliss Street, P O Box 11-0236
Beirut, Lebanon
We will acknowledge your gift in our annual Contributors Report, which is published after the end of the fiscal year on June 30. If you would like to remain anonymous, please let us know.